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The Astonishing World Of Luxury Watch Maison Claude Meylan

Located in the heart of the Swiss Jura, in the typical village of the Abbey of the Vallée de Joux, where harsh winters have given rise to great ideas and achievements in time measurement, the astonishing Family Maison CLAUDE MEYLAN proudly maintains its ancestral know-how.
MEYLAN is one of the four historic founding families of fine and luxury watchmaking. In the middle of the 18th century, Samuel Olivier Meylan and Abraham-Samuel Meylan were initiated into the arts of watchmaking in Rolle and Fleurier. Back in the Vallée de Joux, Samuel-Olivier Meylan designed and manufactured pocket watches equipped with movements and musical discs, and this passion for movements became a family tradition.
Today, CLAUDE MEYLAN perpetuates this heritage by “undressing” and decorating each element of the movement, thus strengthening its know-how and extending its Skeleton Art to new horizons. The brand presents new shapes and harmonies on bridges, wheels and drive trains to express a new vision of time while establishing a new art of sculpted parts.
Generations follow one another and perpetuate the passion for movements, fine watchmaking and the smallest detail. CLAUDE MEYLAN watches are therefore the fruit of unique know-how and an exceptional family tradition.

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